Are you an intermittent faster who has transformed your body or drastically improved your health?I want to tell your story.

Hey there, I'm Jenn ... and my newsletter is meant to inspire anyone who needs to light (or reignite) that fasting fire.

Confession: This newsletter is my kick in the pants.

I've been intermittent fasting for four years ... intermittently.In other words, I've started and stopped 74 times, give or take. (Hamster wheels are exhausting, I tell ya.)But here's the thing: I know I can do better.Instead of finding an accountability partner or hiring a coach, I upped the ante by creating none for me, thanks.This reader-supported newsletter will feature people like you who have chosen to become intermittent fasters and THRIVED.(And if all goes well, I'll be back on track in no time!)

Want to be featured in none for me, thanks?

Imperfect stories welcome. (Because we all know the journey to better health is never linear!)Have you ...> transformed your body?> improved your health?> overcome a hurdle or two along the way?Click the link below to let us know youre interested.

Here's how this works.


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Monday is about to become your new favorite day.> Marvel at jaw-dropping transformations> Discover insider tips from successful fasters> Feel empowered (YES, you can do this!)none for me, thanks is a reader-supported Substack newsletter. Get weekly emails and full access to our newsletter archive for $5/month.

none for me, thanks.

A reader-supported newsletter for intermittent fasting enthusiasts. (Wild trasformations and inspiring success stories included.)

©2024, none for me, thanks.